This section introduces the importance of short videos in shaping and promoting a city's image on social media platforms.
This section outlines the specific objectives of this research, including understanding how short videos influence public perception of a city.
This section highlights the significance of the study in terms of its potential contributions to urban marketing and tourism promotion.
This section details the key aspects of the research, such as the impact of short video content on audience engagement and perception.
This section explains the overall research approach, including qualitative and quantitative methods used.
This section provides an overview of the data collection and analysis methods employed in the study.
This section describes the organization of the paper, including the topics covered in each chapter.
This section discusses the unique aspects of the study, such as the novel methodology or insights provided.
This section reviews the theoretical background related to city image and social media marketing.
This section explores the role of short videos in social media marketing strategies.
basic concepts and specifics
basic concepts and specifics
a) Define the concept of social media and its features. Analyze some definitions that give different researchers and give references to books. Write what features distinguish social media from other
a) Define an urban topic, explain its popularity, its specifics b) Give concrete examples of programmes/ online
This section discusses theories explaining how social media platforms influence public perception.
This section examines theories about the impact of short videos on viewer engagement and perception.
e) describe what concrete current trends in the coverage of a city’s image in social media in China can be distinguished: …..1) … 2) …
the concept、 introduction about this and how it use in this essay
the concept、 introduction about this and how it use in this essay
the concept、introduction of this method,and how it use in this essay, what was compare in the essay
Basic concept of this method and the how it use in this essay,what cases with be analyse in the essay or following content here
douyin's history;why this platform popular;how Douyin works
Thematic and Content Analysis
analysis from different aspect (gender,age,jobs,identity...)
positive aspect of Douyin's media activity,how lead to these result
describe problems,difficulty in makinng social videos on urban themes;what cause these
How to solve the limit of promotion;how the expend the influence on this topic,how the face the difficulty,what should people do/society/companies/government do
This section explains the criteria for selecting case studies.
This section presents a detailed case study of City X and its use of short videos.
This section presents a detailed case study of City Y and its use of short videos.
This section compares the findings from different case studies.
This section summarizes the main findings of the study.
This section discusses the implications of the findings for city marketing and tourism promotion.
This section identifies limitations of the study and potential areas for future research.
This section concludes the discussion with a summary of key points and insights.
This section provides a concise summary of the conclusions drawn from the research.
This section suggests possible directions for future research based on the current study's findings.
This section offers recommendations for practitioners and policymakers based on the study's findings.